Facial Toners: Why You Shouldn’t Skip Them

It is normal that every person you encounter has a different skin care routine. This is because each of us has different skin types, and they all call for different caring methods. You cannot just follow every fad that comes out. What works for your friend (or that beauty guru you follow), may or may not work for you.

Knowing that, however, skin care basics almost always include cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Most people understand the importance of having clean and moisturized skin, but not all know how to appreciate and see the results of including toner in their regimen.

Are you one of them? You are not alone. Before you feel guilty and start shopping for facial toners online or in your local beauty store, understanding the importance of facial toners in your skin care routine can help you better appreciate its role.

What is a Toner?

A skin toner, or simply a toner, helps complete the cleansing method you do on your skin. It removes dust and impurities that could still be lingering on the skin after washing it with a cleanser, which usually contains ingredients like oil that could leave a film on the face.

A toner looks like water, but it is packed with glycerin, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, active ingredients like plant extracts, and many other beneficial elements. It is a fast-penetrating liquid that hydrates the skin, which results in a plump and glowing look.

You can choose from astringent toners, calming and soothing toners, and hydrating toners. There are also cleansing toners and pH balancing toners.

What Does a Toner Do?

1. It removes dirt and grime

Toners are liquid solutions that contain minerals and ingredients that help remove excess dirt and grime in the skin, which was not removed during cleansing. Applying toner on your face is like giving it another kind of cleansing, but this time, on a deeper level.

2. It keeps pore size at bay

Facial toners come in different kinds depending on your skin type. It is commonly used by people who have oily skin since toners, in general, are known to help reduce the size of the pores. It has relaxing properties that help relax the skin, allowing the pores to relax as well.

3. It maintains the pH balance of the skin

The natural pH balance of the skin is between five and six, but using different kinds of skin care products can disrupt this balance. Once that happens, the skin can become oilier than usual because it is trying to get back to the ideal pH level. Using a toner can help regain this balance faster.

4. It moisturizes the skin

A toner helps remove dirt and maintains an ideal pH balance that prevents oiliness, but it also has another use — to keep the skin moisturized. The right kind of toner can help lock the skin’s natural moisture, giving it a healthier appearance.

Try adding facial toners to your skin care routine and see how it can help your skin be its best version yet.

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