Effective Ways to Beat Summer Allergies

High temperatures aren’t the only threat to your well-being when summer comes. There’s also the issue of allergies. Summer is when grass and weeds give off a lot of pollen that triggers allergies. The high humidity during summer further contributes to their spread. Higher humidity levels also make it easier for mold spores to grow and spread. Here are ways to defeat allergies that accompany the hot summer months.

Do Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation is a type of therapy that uses a solution made from salt and water to flush out nasal passages. You can use a sinus rinse bottle or neti pot. Both items can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can use a store-bought saline solution or make your own by mixing a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda to a pint of distilled or purified water. During summer, the best times to flush out your nasal passages with a saline solution are in the morning and before going to bed. Irrigating your nasal passages can remove any pollen or other minute particles before they enter your bloodstream and cause an allergy.

Keep Indoor Air Clean & Pure

Homes should use an indoor air purifier to filter out pollen. Air purifiers are especially needed when it’s hot, as you will likely use your air-conditioning unit, which can further spread dust and pollen throughout your home. Also, keep your windows closed to prevent more pollen and mold spores from getting in.

If you think there’s mold in any part of your home, consult a mold removal specialist. To further aid in purifying indoor air, place houseplants that work as natural air purifiers in your kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. These plants will help absorb toxins and give off fresh oxygen.

Change Your Laundry Process

While hanging out your laundry to dry in summer is a good idea, the downside is that pollen can stick to them. Dry your laundry indoors in a room that lets the sun in, instead. Apart from pollen attaching to clothes, harsh chemicals or strong scents in laundry detergent, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets can trigger allergies. Switch to natural, unscented laundry detergents, especially if you have family members with asthma.

Eat Healthily

eating healthy

What you eat can trigger food allergies or worsen other allergies. This applies to junk food or fast food that’s full of artificial coloring, preservatives, and other chemical additives. Unhealthy food like these can give your body a hard time breaking down these chemicals, causing inflammation. Couple this with an allergic reaction to mold or pollen, and you could feel much worse. Avoid fast food and other highly-processed foods, like chips or candy, and consume more leafy greens and fruits, particularly those high in Vitamin C and E. Food high in these vitamins can ease swelling in your airways.

The top triggers of summer allergies are mold and pollen, but other triggers like common household chemicals and eating junk food should not be ignored. To beat summer allergies, adopt a holistic approach. Minimize going outdoors, keep your house clean, shut your windows, use an air purifier, use organic cleaning products, and watch what you eat.