Skin and Premature Aging: You Might Be the Culprit

While there are many positive things that go along with getting older, the way your skin is starting to look or change may not be one of them. This is especially true if you notice some premature signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and sunspots.

The natural process of aging, however, is not the only thing to blame. You may not realize it, but your daily habits and lifestyle may be the reason you are aging faster than you expect. Here are some of the culprits and a few tips on how you can reverse the process.

You don’t get enough sleep

This doesn’t just result in dark bags and circles under the eyes. Sleep deprivation, according to studies, can also lead to poor collagen formation, which ages the skin. It can also raise your cortisol levels and affect your skin’s moisture levels, making it dull and less youthful. Make it habit to sleep at least seven hours each night.

You don’t use eye or wrinkle cream

Wrkinle under the eye

Aging tends to be more noticeable around the eyes. This only makes it important to keep this area moisturized with eye or wrinkle cream. Be sure to look for products with retinol, Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and neuropeptides. You may also want to do your homework to find the best wrinkle cream and moisturizers in the market.

You skip wearing sunscreen

Sunlight exposure is one of the main causes of premature lines and wrinkles on the face. Do take note that UV rays are still present on cloudy and rainy days, and can damage your skin. Be sure to stay out of the sun and slather on sunscreen every time you go out. Be sure to look for a broad-spectrum product or those with an SPF of at least 30.

You sleep on your stomach

This sleeping position can get your face smashed into the pillow. This can then speed up aging and cause the wrinkles to become etched in your skin. It may also cause the fluids to accumulate in your eyes, resulting in puffiness. Sleeping on your back can help you avoid wrinkles, as well as investing in a satin pillowcase.

You wear a lot of makeup

Excess makeup, particularly oil-based ones, can wreck your skin by clogging your pores. Some of these products may also contain irritating chemicals and alcohol that can dry your skin and remove its natural oils. This can then lead to blemished skin, as well as premature lines and wrinkles. Here are a few tips on keeping your makeup simple and natural. The more simple and natural our makeup is, the less problem we will have with our ageing skin.

Take note of these habits and stop aging your skin too quickly. It is better that our skin does not age quickly or else we may look much more older than what are age is. It is also a good idea to invest in creams, moisturizers, and other skincare products that can help fight aging.